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Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

Desert Not Only In Africa Alone, But There Are Also In Jogja precisely in Parangkusum

Who says there is only desert in Africa? Jogja also know, his name sandbanks Parangkusumo, a place similar to the desert in Africa and Egypt, if you are looking for a new tour in Jogja, the attraction is his choice. Located between the beach parangtritis and beach Depok, making this location quickly popular, the formation  Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak  of sand dunes is also not free from eruptions that have occurred at Mount Merapi and Mount Merbabu, volcanic ash from the mountain was washed times opaque, time progo and beach parangtritis that finally settles in a place we now call by name Parangkusumo sandbanks. Sand dunes have been formed over thousands of years, but during that time no one has to use it as a tourist spot, has an area of ​​approximately 2 kilometers to make  Bali Travel Accommodation  this place like the Sahara desert version of Jogja. And according to the story, sandbanks Parangkusumo is one - the only desert in Southeast Asia, this location is now develope